Saturday, November 2, 2013

Someone Stole My Rat

It was only a dollar store rat. It’s not like I can’t run out and get another one – probably for half price since Halloween is old news.  Still, I feel really bent out of shape that someone stole my rat.

Maybe because Halloween is a time where you welcome people onto your porch, not thinking that they’ll violate your hospitality.

Maybe because “it’s not the money, it’s the principle of the thing.”

Maybe because the kids I suspect lifted it were with a parent.

Maybe because as an entitled ‘right now’ society, we have collectively forgotten that you don’t take something if it doesn’t belong to you.

It’s not the plastic rodent I mourn, it’s the kid who probably doesn’t know that he did anything wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I agree wholeheartedly with you, Christine. It is the principle of the thing, not the object. You hit some wonderful points in your post. I think the "right now" society feels there are no repercussions, and perhaps that is the biggest problem of them all. Good post. I'll stop by again. ~Victoria Marie Lees
