Friday, July 19, 2013

"Wait, What" Moments - Euro Edition

Some things are the same everywhere. Take those scratch your head moments that make you double take and say, “wait…what?”  My encounters with these didn’t stop on international soil.

On a corner in Paris, we spotted this bicycle that was obviously hit (possibly more than once). We felt a little bad chuckling at the bent tires, but couldn’t hold in our laugh when we saw how it was chained up so securely.

I have to say I was a little shocked when I stepped into the shower at a Munich hotel room and saw what was tiled on the walls. It’s one thing to have an irrational fear of clowns, but this happy oom-pah band was no laughing matter.  Turns out, a lot of people share my terror of clowns (coulrophobia). Something to do with disguises, fake emotions, all that make-up, and creepy wigs. Why it was on the shower wall, I’ll never know.

When walking in a little alley in Florence, we did a double take and a head bend when we saw this pizza shop with its signs upside down or backwards. I can’t quite figure out which. Did no one notice this at installation? So confused.

My son was recently in Berlin and sent me this photo.  He stayed in a hotel with a shared toilet, and apparently you weren’t permitted to pee standing up. He was astounded at not just one, but two of the signs. We researched and found out that in Germany and Austria, they design toilets with a shelf and expect people to sit, not stand.  I don’t even want to share anymore on this…

Anyway, the Urban Dictionary defines ‘wait, what’ as “a way of indicating that the thing you or someone else just said makes no sense.” Sometimes that applies to what we see, too.

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