Monday, January 2, 2012

One Morning in Punta Cana

Even though I’m the type to stay on the beaten path, I’m drawn to things that are a little offbeat.

For instance, I wonder if these ducks are constantly ducking the security guys at the pool.
This little hut on the beach just seemed so iconic.  The word cana is a name for the type of palm tree and leaves that are commonly used for roofing.  Wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone had a cana roof over their head?
Speaking of the cana, I loved seeing this boy climb a particularly beautiful bent palm tree. 
These oars seemed like little soldiers lined up and waiting for action.
And finally, our shadows were just too funny to ignore.
All in all, a nice morning stroll.

1 comment:

  1. What "two paragraphs and a picture" can tell. What an amazing "teller" to capture special, quirky and meaningful moments. Love your work. Keep
    on Bloging!
