Friday, May 4, 2012

Wait, what (part 3)

I realize there are a lot of wait, what moments in the world.  Please send me yours if you come across one!

Some wait, whats are fabulous. Like opening the dryer door and … MOM BONUS. It’s an unwritten law that all monies collected in the dryer immediately become the property of the laundress.

Yesterday, I was driving home from the gym when I saw this dune buggy on top of a house. I’d love to know the back story. Was it a present? A prank? Suffice to say, I pulled a u-turn and snapped a picture.

This wait, what was a bit startling when I glanced in my rearview mirror.  Maybe this should be a wait, why

1 comment:

  1. Wait, what...I wish my dryer was chopped full of chains, mine is riddled with guitar picks!
