Thursday, September 8, 2011

What's in Your Closet?

My friend, Sue, is starting a job as a Career Coach and sent out an email plea for gently used clothing donations.  As I scoured my closet for blazers and sensible pumps, I ran into an item I haven’t thought about in a long time.  My overalls. Yes, my denim overalls that I bought when I was 14.
Back then, it was all the rage to adorn our overalls with hand embroidery. Monarch butterflies were big in the imagination of a carefree teenager.

As you can see, I didn’t quite finish these flowers.  Who knows at what point I put down my embroidery needle forever.
Somehow, over all these years, I could never quite send my overalls to the goodwill pile. I guess I have a sentimental attachment to them since they accompanied me through the ups and downs of high school, my marriage, the birth of my three kids, and a move overseas and back.  Although they occupy a space in the deep recesses of my closet, just knowing they’re there makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. Make new friends but keep the is silver and the other gold. (From a song we sang in Girl Scouts)
